I can't fully explain it, but this week there simply isn't time enough to read. I read two books last week, both by authors I have talked about before. Then, I found myself down to one library book. It is by Jennifer Weiner, whose book about the political wife whose husband cheats got a lot of attention. I read that one. Ho hum. But, I took another of hers out of the library anyway because sometimes, I just like to read books that DON'T make me think. This one is called "Best Friends Forever". It seemed appropriate, as I had plans to meet the friend I have had the longest. We have been friends for fifty-four years, starting when her family moved into a new house next to ours. We were four. She is stunning. She looks twenty years younger than most women our age. Part of this is due to the fact that she has never gained weight. Most of us struggle on a daily basis. Maybe she does too, but she must not give in to the Dunkin' Donuts Pumpkin Muffin (I heard on a morning show that it has 600 calories and has more fat than a huge bacon cheeseburger).
We were to meet at a Panera after work. I brought my jeans to work...the ones that I think make me look tall. This is because they go to the ground and I sort of have to step on them. I also had on my "good" white shirt. Some fashion designer says that every woman must have a good white shirt. I felt...OK. Not great, by any means. Then, unfortunately, I saw myself in the bathroom mirror at work. It is difficult to see anything in that mirror, as the bathroom at work is so dirty, but I saw myself anyway. Yikes! I looked like one of my grandmothers, and not the one everybody called "adorable". I just couldn't stand to meet my beautiful, thin friend looking this way.
I had an hour. This is the hour I could have spent reading. But I went to J.C. Penney's instead. It was a hot day. I was tearing around the store grabbing anything that might help. First, of course, I grabbed some hold-in underwear. Then I found a black blazer in a size that, honestly, I never thought I would wear. I grabbed some t-shirts, as I always like that Bobbi Brown look...jeans, crew neck t-shirt and blazer. My outfit was almost working. Then a very grumpy senior came in the dressing room with two long sweater tops. "I was gonna get these sweaters," she announced to the saleslady, "but they're MATERNITY tops!" She handed them over with disgust.
"Let me try them on," I begged. They were roomy and covered me from neck to mid thigh. One was red, this season's "it" color. Last week I bought a red sweater to see another old friend and when I saw the pictures I turned white. Not a good look on me. But this sweater...it had everything I needed.
It was time for my dinner and I ran to the cashier, bought the underwear and sweater, dashed back to the dressing room, changed into them, and got to Panera on time. I had a salad, just like my beautiful friend. And on the way home, I think you know what else I had, because right across from the Panera is a Dunkin' Donuts. I have finally found the perfect sweater to wear when I am "muffin topping".
Verrrrrrry funny post Jo Anne, I love it. I had a sweater JUST like this one you describe years ago, perfect, and I looked great in it. Who knows, maybe I should shop in the maternity section, since I still look pregnant!